Sunday, June 30, 2019

2019 ~ Sunday June 30: Roaming Assembly#25 ~ RADIO MUTINY

Convened by iLiana Fokianaki
The participants of DAI’s Factory "Island Partisans, Anarchists, Bandits and Pirates: Local histories as a guide for politically conscious practices": 
Clara Saito, Dorothy Hunter, Elien Ronse, Emma de Filippo, Francisco Mojica, Harun Morrison, Hasan Özgür Top, Jasmin Schädler, Joannie Baumgärtner, Jose Iglesias Ga-Arenal, Lea Rüegg, Nine Postma, Olivia Abächerli, Raphael Daibert, Sara Benaglia, Sara Cattin, Wilf Speller, Zoe Scoglio.
Roaming Assembly #25 - Radio Mutiny, is inspired by the local and global histories of pirates, bandits, anarchists, poets and all other female figures that conjure resistance. We occupy the technology of signalling or communicating through this radio wave. Radio waves that can act as transporters, but also borders; that can be simultaneous, or in different frequencies and languages, that connect and divide; just like the waves of the waters that contour Europe. This is a one-day radio act, a mutiny act, conspired by a group of people, a crew of some kind, to openly oppose through sounds, words and silences the authorities, under which heteronormative, conservative, nationalist, xenophobic, neocolonial and racist discourses, legislations and consciences are built, in a Europe that is slowly sinking. Our mutiny is indeed a conspiracy, but one that remains in waves. It aims to agitate and propagate for informed and activated listeners. Through this transmission we transport our thinking processes, our positions and oppositions, our sounds and voices, our tongues and silences, our testimonies and our open-ended conclusions. 
With contributions from:
Tabita Rezaire (in absentia)

Planetary Campus is an innovative conceptual space (without walls) where the MA curriculum "DAI Art Praxis" meets with a wide variety of external parties. A welcoming space where we want to host a fleeting, "affective community", where we generously share art and research, where complexity can be embraced and intellectual intra-actions are fostered, aiming to endow our praxes, wherever they are operational. As an infrastructure Planetary Campus is the container for several activities initiated by the DAI.
One of them is the Roaming  Assembly, a recurring public symposium scheduled to take place four to five times per year, functioning as it were as the DAI-week's 'centerfold' event. This state-of-the-art speculative and hybrid program explores specific themes and topics of contemporary relevance to the thinking of art in the world today.