Thursday, October 28, 2021

«Γλυπτική είναι αυτό που σκοντάφτεις όταν κάνεις πίσω για να δεις ένα ζωγραφικό έργο» (Αχίλλειος πτέρνα)

«Γλυπτική είναι αυτό που σκοντάφτεις όταν κάνεις πίσω για να δεις ένα ζωγραφικό έργο» (Αχίλλειος πτέρνα)


/ “Sculpture is what you bump into when you back up to see a painting”

Ειδική βιβλιογραφία, σημειώσεις



Τέχνη στο συγκείμενο (Art in context 

Η σχολή του Slapstick/ Slapstick School

ΑΣΚΤ -Χειμερινό εξάμηνο/ Εαρινό εξάμηνο

Αμφιθέατρο νέας βιβλιοθήκης,  Πειραιώς 256

Κωστής Βελώνης



Foster, Hal. The Return of the Real Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1996.  


Zizek, Slavoj. The Plague of Fantasies, London: Verso, 1997. 


 Marcoci, Roxana. The Anti-Historicist Approach: Brancusi, "Our Contemporary"  Art Journal,  Summer, 2000, Vol. 59, No. 2 (Summer, 2000), pp. 18-35  


Judd, Donald, Specific Objects, Arts Yearbook 8, 1965.


Kellein, Thomas. Donald Judd: Early Work, 1955-1968, New York: D.A.P., 2002. 



Agamben, Giorgio.” Introductory Note on the Concept of Democracy” στον συλλογικό τόμο Democracy in What State?, Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Daniel Bensaïd, Wendy Brown, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Rancière, Kristin Ross and Slavoj Žižek,  μτφρ. William McCuaig, Columbia University Press, 2011.


ΑριστοτέληςΠολιτικάμτφρΠΛεκατσάςΑθήναΙΖαχαρόπουλος, 1939.



Bishara, Hakim. Monolith-mania Continues as Artists Come Forward to Claim Credit for Sculptures,, Dec. 8, 2020.


Brascusis Studio


Burton, Tim, On Brancusi, NYC:  The Museum of Modern Art, 1989



Castañeda, Luis M. “Doubling Time,” Grey Room 51 (Spring 2013): 12–39.



Detienne Marcel. Συγκρίνοντας τα μη συγκρίσιμα,  μτφρ. Πελαγία Μαρκέτου, Αθήνα : Μεταίχμιο, 2003. 


DetienneMarcelVernant, Jean Pierre. Μήτις : Η πολύτροπη νόηση στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, μτφρ. Ιωάννα ΠαπαδοπούλουΑθήνα : Ζαχαρόπουλος, 1993. 



Holmes, Brooke. The Iliad's Economy of Pain, Transactions of the American Philological Association, Volume 137, Number 1, Spring 2007, pp. 45-84 

Hess, Thomas B., Barnett Newman, NYC: Museum of Modern Art1971.


Jones, Jonathan.  Newman's Broken Obelisk: the end of a political dream, Guardian 22 oct. 2008  


Όμηρος, Ιλιας, ραψωδίες Α-Ω, μτφρ. Δημήτρης Μαρωνίτης,  Αθήνα: Άγρα, 2012. 


Mouffe, Chantal.  «Για μια αγωνιστική Δημόσια Σφαίρα» στον συλ­λο­γι­κό τόμο Απραγματοποίητη δημοκρατία,  Stuart Hall Michael Hardt, Ernesto Laclau, Manuel De Landa, Chantal Mouffe, Immanuel Wallerstein, Slavoj ZizekμτφρΕλε­ά­να Πανά­γου, επιμ. Θεό­φι­λος Τρα­μπού­λης, Αθήνα : Futura,  2010.


Newman, Barnett. Broken Obelisk   


Newman, Barnett. Achilles


 King, Martin Luther. I have a dream Speech, delivered 28 August 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.


Krauss, Rosalind. Sculpture in the Expanded FieldOctober, Vol. 8, Spring, 1979, 30-44.



Polcari, Stephen. Barnett Newman's Broken Obelisk, Art Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4, Sculpture in Postwar Europe and America, 1945-59 , Winter, 1994, pp. 48-55   


Rosenberg, Harold. Broken Obelisk and Other Sculptures,  

Index of Art in the Pacific Northwest, Number 2. Henry Art Gallery / University of Washington Press ,1971.


Velonis, Kostis. Conflicts in the City: Between Hypsipolis and Apolis, State of South spring / summer 2014  

VernantJean Pierre. Ο «καλός θάνατος» του Αχιλλέα,  Ανάμεσα στον μύθο και την πολιτική, μτφρ. Μαιρη I. Γιόση, Αθήνα : Σμίλη, 2003.


VernantJean Pierre. Περί ορίων: Ανάμεσα στον μύθο και την πολιτική ΙΙ,  μτφρ. Μαίρη Ι. Γιόση,  Αθήνα : Σμίλη, 2008.



Be cheerful, enjoy your life

“Be cheerful, enjoy your life” but a more accurate translation would be: “You get the pleasure of the food you eat hastily with death.”

#ευφροσυνος #greekroman #Hatay #cheerful#life #death #skeleton #skull #mosaic #wine#diningroom #Αντιοχεια

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Ethics of Stumbling

Ηθική του σκοντάμματος /Ethics of Stumbling 



Ειδική βιβλιογραφία, σημειώσεις


Τέχνη στο συγκείμενο (Art in context 

Η σχολή του Slapstick/ Slapstick School

ΑΣΚΤ -Χειμερινό εξάμηνο/ Εαρινό εξάμηνο

Αμφιθέατρο νέας βιβλιοθήκης,  Πειραιώς 256

Κωστής Βελώνης



Albou, Philippe. Montaigne et l’expérience de la chute de cheval,  Histoire de sciences médicales-Tome L-No 2, 2016.


Αριστοφάνης, Οι ΒάτραχοιΑΡΙΣΤΟΦΑΝΗΣ



BenjaminWalter. Τα παιδικά χρόνια στο Βερολίνο το χίλια εννιακόσια. Επίμετρο: Rolf Tiedmann,  Theodor Adorno, μτφρ. Ιωάννα Αβραμίδου, Αθήνα:  Άγρα, 2006.


Das bucklige Männlein



DetienneMarcel, Ο Διόνυσος κάτω από τα Άστρα. μτφρ.-σημ. Κώστας ΚουρεμένοςΑθήναΑλεξάνδρεια, 1993.


Ciuraru, Carmela, Nom de Plume: A (Secret) History of Pseudonyms, Harper Collins, 2011



Empusa & Lamiae: Vampires , demons, monsters: Greek legend, 12 May 2016

Leslie, Esther, Walter Benjamin, London : Reaktion Books, 2007.

Costa Margaret Jull, A Little Fellow with a Big Head: On Fernando Pessoa, The Paris Review, July 27, 2020


Hobbes, Thomas. Περί της φύσης του ανθρώπου, μτφρ. Δήμητρα Σταυρίδου,  Αθήνα :  Printa, 2013.


Hölderlin, Friedrich, Ὑπερίων ἢ ὁ ἐρημίτης στὴν Ἑλλάδα, μτφρ. Λαυρέντιος Γκεμερέυ, Αθήνα:  Ηριδανός, 1982.


Hölderlin, Friedrich, Ελεγείες, Ύμνοι και άλλα Ποιήματα, μτφρ. Στέλλα ΝικολούδηΑθήνα : Άγρα, 1996.


Josie, Glausiusz “ Living in imaginary world”,  Scientific American ,  January 1, 2014 ;


Lowell, Amy, The Bungler


Βλαβιανός, Χάρης (επιμ.-μτφρ.), Ανθολογία ερωτικής ποίησηςΑθήνα : Πατάκης, 2013. 


Martin, Michel. Dozens Of Animals Laugh Too, Study Shows, NPR, May 22, 2021


MontaigneMichel de, ΔοκίμιαΒΤόμοςμτφρΦίλλιπος Δ.  Δρακονταείδης, Αθήνα: Εστία, 2003.


Panagiotarakou, E. On the problem of astronomy and popular prejudices: the case of ancient astronomers and NASA funding. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 775 (2020).


ΣαχτούρηςΜίλτοςΟ γάμος πού δεν έγινε


Σεφέρης, Γιώργος.  Δοκιμές Ι (1936-1947) Αθήνα: Ίκαρος, 1999

Τζιρτζιλάκης, Γιώργος. Υπο-νεωτερικότητα και εργασία του πένθους, Αθήνα:  Καστανιώτης, Αθήνα 2014.



Starobinski , Jean. Montaigne en mouvement. Paris: Gallimard, 1982. 



Velonis, Kostis. “Hyperion Has Stumbled”, in Puppet Sun, Athens : NEON: City Project, 2019.


Waters, Michael, Movement That Accidentally Became Legitimate, Atlas Obscura, June 28, 2017






Professor Hubert N.  Alyea, ”Atomic Energy: Weapon for Peace,” 1945



"Lucky Accidents, Great Discoveries and the Prepared Mind," by Hubert N. Alyea, circa 1985



Nutty Professor 1963, directed by Jerry Lewis

co-written (with Bill Richmond)

The Absent Minded Professor, dir. Robert Stevenson, 1961



Peter Land, Pink Space, 1995



Monday, October 11, 2021



When Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet

I was bummed

the list I’d learned at school


no longer applied and Pluto had now become 

the trans-Neptunian celestial body 134340 

nothing but a big rock in the Kuiper Belt

the International Astronomical Union had made the call 

and that was that  

same thing happened to Ceres

a planet for fifty years

then one day plain old asteroid 1 Ceres

when Pluto was demoted

I can only imagine 

how bummed Venetia Phair must have been 

she who at twelve had suggested 

the name Pluto to her grandfather

after reading in the paper 

about the discovery of a new planet

Venetia died at almost ninety 

a few months after her planet 

became a dwarf 

maybe that was why she died


people die for weird reasons 

like Chrysippus of Soli who died laughing 

at the sight of a donkey eating his figs

or Kurt Gödel who starved to death 

after refusing food others had cooked

or the umpire Dick Wertheim 

during a tennis match

he took such a thwack to the testicles  

he fell from his chair and split open his head 

or the cameraman Ivan Lester McGuire

out filming skydivers

as they leaped into the unknown 

he leapt too having forgotten 

he hadn’t put on a parachute 


Massimo Schuster (trans. Will Schutt)



Quando Plutone è stato declassato a pianeta nano

ci sono rimasto male

la lista che avevo imparato a scuola


non era più valida e Plutone era ormai diventato

il corpo celeste transnettuniano 134340 Pluto

solo un grosso sasso nella fascia di Kuiper

lʼavevano deciso quelli dellʼUnione astronomica internazionale

e non cʼera più niente da fare 

era già successo a Cerere

pianeta per cinquant'anni

e poi semplice asteroide 1 Ceres

quando Plutone è stato declassato

posso solo immaginare

come ci sia rimasta male Venetia Phair

lei che a dodici anni aveva suggerito 

il nome Plutone al nonno

dopo aver letto sul giornale

della scoperta di un nuovo pianeta 

Venetia è morta a quasi novant'anni

pochi mesi dopo che il suo pianeta

era diventato nano

forse è morta per questo

per il dispiacere

la gente muore per motivi strani

come Crisippo di Soli che è morto dal ridere

vedendo un asino che gli mangiava i fichi

o Kurt Gödel che è morto di fame

perché rifiutava il cibo preparato da altri

o il giudice di sedia Dick Wertheim

che durante una partita di tennis

ha ricevuto una tale pallata nei testicoli 

che è caduto dalla sedia fracassandosi la testa

o il cameraman Ivan Lester McGuire 

che filmando dei paracadutisti

che si lanciavano nel vuoto

si è lanciato anche lui scordandosi

che il paracadute non se lʼera messo


Massimo Schuster