Sunday, November 11, 2018

A Sculpture is What you Bump Into by Accident and You’re Okay

One does not have to look up to the sky as a jay-walker in order to stumble. Sometimes, all it takes is to be in a gallery, enjoying the artwork, until you bump into a sculpture. This was at least the view of one of the most important thinkers and painters of American abstract art, Barnett Newman, who had said that “sculpture is what you bump into [i.e. by accident] when you back up to see a painting.” And yet our contact with sculpture’s blatant materiality--accidental as it may be--also prepare us to accept the aggravating conditions of a life in a constant struggle with its own imperfections and defects. 

Location: Hamilton 616
Title: A Sculpture is What you Bump Into by Accident and You’re Okay 
Speaker: Kostis Velonis (Princeton University)
Respondent: Rebekah Rutkoff (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Time: 6:00-7:15pm

November 14 at Columbia University