Monday, December 6, 2010

Capitalism and the Aesthetics of Knowledge in the 21st century

Capitalism and the Aesthetics of Knowledge in the 21st century:
Uses of the Social Document in Contemporary Visual Art

Renzo Martens, Episode III - Enjoy Poverty, 2008, film still

A series of four screenings and seminars led by Angela Dimitrakaki, art historian and writer (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Wednesday 8 December
Ursula Biemann, Black Sea Files, 2005, 43'
Courtesy of the artist

Thursday 9 December
Johan Grimonprez, Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, 1997, 68'
Courtesy of The Dakis Joannou Collection, Athens

Friday 10 December
Renzo Martens, Episode III: Enjoy Poverty, 2008, 88'
Courtesy of Wilkinson Gallery, London

Saturday 11 December
Allan Sekula, The Lottery of the Sea, 2006, 179' (3 hours)
Courtesy of Galerie Michel Rein, Paris

Allan Sekula, The Lottery of the Sea, 2006, film still

De Chirico Lecture Room, Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA)