Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Political Speech -Redefining Sculpture
Kunsthalle Athena invites Kostis Velonis and Socratis Socratous - participating artists in the exhibition This is Not My Beautiful House- to a discussion about their artistic work.
Both artists, choosing sculpture as their medium, make a critical comment upon contemporary reality and undertake a new approach on art.
Kostis Velonis’ sculptures, most often made of wood, articulate narratives that link personal stories to the revisiting of historical events and material cultural facts, including the stage production of avant-garde theatre and working class history. His intention is to evoke contradictory ideas, using the simple materials of a failed builder.
Socratis Socratous’ work refers to an osmosis of politics and art, even though it often has actual political ramifications. At the same time, it mirrors the limits reached by the artist. His installations are often a composition of a series of photographs and the issues that follow from them, together with the utility of ready-mades, while his sculptures appear to refer to a ‘violated’ sense of reality.
The two artists will analyse their work as well as the course of their artistic production, their influences and points of reference, the way their work relates to politics, history and contemporary sociopolitical circumstances. Furthermore, they will elaborate on how forms and materials converse with each other, composing a potentially new approach on the role and the significance of art today. Through this encounter, they will attempt to share their visions with the public, as well as the other elements which constitute their artistic universe.
Thursday, July 10, 20:00
Political Speeches 2014 are part of
This is Not My Beautiful House exhibition
Anastasia Ax, Apostolos Georgiou, Socratis Socratous and Kostis Velonis
May 16 – September 11, 2014