Saturday, March 27, 2021


Celebrating the bicentennial of the Greek revolution of independence with the exhibition “199” that took place the last summer in the old Hydra slaughterhouse including a selection of brass funerary masks of fighters from the collection of National Historical Museum. 

#fighters #destefoundation#nhmuseumofathens #kostisvelonis#sculpture #funerary #masks #hydra #island#hydraslaughterhouse #greekrevolution #199 #exhibition #200yearsgreekindependence 

Photo credit @chloeakrithaki

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Masonry for Blossoms


Masonry for Blossoms, 2019
Ceramics, wood, acrylic, oil 

#sculpture #masonry #blossoms#kostisvelonis #building

Laughing Clowns

Laughing Clowns



Bibliography / REF/ Works Cited / Films / Performances 



AdornoTheodor. Αισθητική Θεωρία, μτφρ. Λευτέρης Αναγνώστου, Αθήνα :  Αλεξάνδρεια, 1989 


AdornoTheodor. “Τζαζ η Αιώνια Μόδα” στο Αντόρνο, Λόβενταλ, Μαρκούζε, Χορκχάιμερ, Τέχνη και μαζική κουλτούρα, επιλογή κειμένων, μτφρ. Ζήσης Σαρίκας, Αθήνα : Ύψιλον 1984Αντόρνο-Τζαζ-η-Αιώνια-Μόδα


Berne, Betsy. Studio: Cindy Sherman ( interview) Tate Magazine,  issue 5.


Borges, Jorge Luis. «Η σφαίρα του Πασκάλ», στο  Οι Μεταμορφώσεις της Χελώνας, μτφρ. ΓΔΧουρμουζιάδης Αθήνα : Εκδόσεις Ύψιλον, 1982


Bishop, Lloyd.  Michaux's "Clown", The French Review, Vol. 36, No. 2 (Dec., 1962), pp. 152-157 

Coulson, Shea, Funnier than Unhappiness: Adorno and the Art of Laughter, New German Critique, No. 100, Arendt, Adorno, New York, and Los Angeles (Winter, 2007), pp. 141-163

Diderot, Ανηψιός του Ραμώ, μτφρ. Νάγια Γεωργίου, Αθήνα : Καστανιώτης, 2002


Drábek, Pavel, What is Commedia dell'Arte Today? Early Theatre: A Journal associated with the Records of Early English Drama, Volume 22, Number 2, 2019, pp. 199-216 (Review)


Drusi, Ricardo, Commedia dell'arte in context  (Proof), Popular Traditions, Carnival, Dance, 2018



Grotjahn, Martin. Beyond Laughter, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957


FreudSigmund,  Το ευφυολόγημα και η σχέση του με το ασυνείδητο / Το Χιούμορ, μτφρ. ΣιπητάνουΛίναΣαγκριώτηςΓιώργος,  Αθήνα :  Πλεθρον,  2009. 


Handelman, Don"The Ritual-Clown: Attributes and Affinities," Anthropos 76 (1981): 321370.

Handelman, Don, Clowns


Hall, Mordaunt. THE SCREEN; The Clown's Revenge,  Nov. 10, 1924


Hood, Amy,  Poe-Inspired Prints by Ensor Join Research Institute’s Collection

HugoVictor. Ο άνθρωπος που γελά ( L'Homme qui rit, 1869 ),  μτφρ, Ντορέτα  Πεππα, Αθήνα : σύγχρονη εποχή, 2013



Kosik Κarel. Η κρίση της νεωτερικότητας,  μτφρ. Νάσος Γκόρτσος, Αθήνα :Ψυχογιός, 2003


Murphy, Peter F., Living by His Wits: The Buffoon and Male Survival,  Signs , Vol. 31, No. 4 (Summer 2006), pp. 1125-1142 


Merchant,  MoelwynΗ ΚωμωδίαμτφρΑριστέα Παρίση  Αθήνα : Ερμης, 1972

Newby, Richard, Joker,' 'The Man Who Laughs' and the Birth of a Villain,  Hollywood reporter ,OCT. 3 , 2019


Παπαγιώργης, Κωστής. Τα γελαστά ζώα, Αθήνα : Καστανιώτης, 2004.  

Περούλης, Κώστας. Τρελός, Μπουφόνος, Κλόουν:Πρόδρομοι, σχηματισμοί της Λογοτεχνίας και του υποκειμένου της Νεωτερικότητας. Το Παράδειγμα των ShakespeareDiderot και BeckettΠΕΡΟΥΛΗΣ.pdf

Poe, Edgar Allan. «Ο σαλταπήδας’, Αλλόκοτες ιστορίες, μτφρ. Κοσμάς Πολίτης, Αθήνα :εντροπία, 1995. 


Poe, Edgar Allan. Hop –Frog  (1849) 

Pomerance, Murray.The Last Laugh: Strange Humors of Cinema. Wayne State University Press, 2013.Project 


Simon, Joan. Breaking the Silence : an interview with Bruce Nauman, Sept. 1, 1998



Willeford, William. The Fool and His Sceptre. London : Edward Arnold, 1969.


Wolfgang M. Zucker's "The Clown as the Lord of Disorder," in Holy Laughter, edited by M. Conrad Hyers (New York, 1969)





Films /Performances 


(-!-) Bozo the Clown, Frank Avruch,


McDonald's Commercials 1960's Collection


Bruce Nauman - Clown torture ,1984

Clown Torture - Bruce Nauman, 1987

Clown Torture - Bruce Nauman, 1987

Bruce Nauman - Six Sound Problems / Clown Torture


Cindy Sherman, "Why are they a clown?"


The Man Who Laughs  dir. By Paul Leni (1928)


He Who Gets Slapped, dir. by Victor Sjöström (1924) VictorSjstrmUsa

"Hop-Frog: A Tale of Revenge", Edgar Allan Poe's "Hop-Frog: A Tale of Revenge"  


Batman (1989) | Joker Takes Over the Gotham Museum | Music by Prince | Warner Bros. Entertainment


Joker Laughing On Bus Scene, (2019)



Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Downward Spiral : Popular Things

You can run but you can’t hide. Dean Kissick on NFTs and the pervasiveness of mundane art.

Where to begin? It’s New Year’s Eve. Dinner at a film director and an art director’s place on the Upper East Side. Roast lamb and Salad Olivier. You ask the girl sitting next to you what she wants from this year. She says she wants to make a lot of money. So does the person sat next to her, and the next person along too. This wasn’t what you expected to hear in a pandemic: that everyone planned to get rich. She’s going down South to work the strip clubs, and they’ve both become Robinhood traders.

The ball falls in Times Square. The clock ticks over. It’s a bright new year. Your ex-quant friend drives three of you down to a millionaire’s TriBeCa coke loft in his vintage red Alfa Romeo. You’re racing down Broadway with the top down and all the lights turn green for you, they glow for you. The loft’s full of artists and artworks. The evening’s hosted by your friend who used to be a designer at Celine and now couriers drugs. Plates of lines are going around. You’re handed some ecstasy, you’re talking to a Marxist on the floor, you’re introduced to a former America’s Next Top Model contestant, you’re accelerating. It’s 2021. Cryptocurrency’s exploding. DeFi (decentralised finance) in particular. Robinhood traders on r/WallStreetBets nearly take down a hedge fund. It’s Valentine’s Day and you’re alone. The European Central Bank tweets, “Roses are red, Violets are blue, We’ll keep financing conditions favourable, ’Til the crisis is through.” Cryptocurrency’s exploding again. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in particular. The Nyan Cat meme goes for $590,000. The “ape in a fedora” CryptoPunk goes for $1.54 million. An animated gif of Trump’s bloated, naked corpse by someone called “Beeple” goes for $6.6 million, setting a new record for any Millennial artist, dead or alive. Christie’s launches a two-week sale of one of his works. It closes tomorrow and has already broken the record again. Current bid: $9,750,000. The US senate passes a $1.9 trillion relief bill. You’re in Starbucks following the floor stickers that tell you where to stand, looking at the price of each cookie, mind RACING, worrying, thinking, Hyperinflation! Michael Burry is right!



Five stylishly dressed teenage boys stroll down Prince Street extolling the US dollar’s hold over the Swiss economy. A whole other economy based on trolling, memes and network effects is appearing. Now everyone’s a day trader, everyone’s a drug dealer, everyone’s an art director for a weed delivery service, everyone might be the next top model, everywhere’s a secret coke loft, now everything can be traded or shared online; money printer, bad figurative painter, subreddit, museum gift shop, NFT minter go brrrr; it’s the first day of spring; it’s Beeplemania; images and capital have become the same thing; welcome to the total financialisation of reality!

“(Splits Adderall begrudgingly) Is the NFT soul discourse a valid thought experiment”, asksfilmmaker Charlie Curran, “or the symptom of a culture industry … enviously not understanding money dreaming up the wildest asset they can imagine pumpable?”

Before Christmas, the only uncertain-times-era art world innovations I could think of were online art fairs and anonymous Instagram callout accounts. Now more innovation has arrived, and it’s come from outside, from the spheres of online culture and cryptocurrency speculation. Crypto has its origins in a mistrust of authority in various forms, from government-backed fiat, to the banking system, to the financial industry. Now it’s also challenging art world elites.





by Dean Kissick


Friday, March 19, 2021



Ελένη Βακαλό, 1991

#elenivakalo #poetry #trickery #artifice

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Mr Robinson Crusoe Stayed Home. Adventures of Design in Times of Crisis

#robinsoncrusoe #mrcrusoestayedhome #adventuresofdesign #benakimuseum #literature #design##exhibition #crafts #literature #designtheory #bricolage#efficiency#economy #clumsiness #dexterity #postcolonialstudies

Monday, March 1, 2021

Repairing the World

Επισκευασμένος κόσμος 

 Repairing the World 



Bibliography / REF/ Works Cited / Films  



Allais, Lucia. Formless keepers : Kieslinger, Riegl, and the dissolution of history in Formless, Ed. Julian Rose and Garrett Ricciard,  Zurich: Lars Müller, 2013, pp. 1-43


Αξελός, Κώστας. «Γιατί στρεφόμαστε προς τους προσωκρατικούς;» στο Προς την πλανητική σκέψη,  Αθήνα : Εστία, 1985.


Appadurai, Arjun. “The Thing Itself,” Public Culture 18, no. 1, 2006, p.5- 21

Baudrillard, Jean.  Le système des objets  (Paris: Dënoel,1972) 

Βαμβακάς, Κωνσταντίνος. Οι θεμελιωτές της δυτικής σκέψης. Προσωκρατικοι Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2012.

Bateson, Patrick. Adaptability and evolution. Interface Focus 7, 2017.


Bell, Eugenia. Design Matters”. A roundtable discussion between six designers, Frieze, April 2011, Issue 138, p. 103,


Βελώνης, Κωστής.  “Η χρήση του ανοικτού κώδικα.  Γλυπτική και σχεδιασμός εκτάκτου ανάγκης”Αυγή, 31 Ιουλ.

Bennett, Jane.  Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Durham/ London: Duke University Press, 2010.


Brand, Steward. Τhe Whole Earth Catalog. 1968-1972


Connor, Steve. Taking Pity on Things. A talk given as part of the Festival of Ideas, Cambridge, 26th October 2012.


Graham, S.,   Thrift, N.  “Out of Order Understanding Repair and Maintenance.” Theory, Culture & Society 24(3), 2007 :1–25.


Γκουγκούλη, Κλειώ. Άνθρωποι, αντικείμενα και τεχνικές. Σύγχρονες ανθρωπολογικές προσεγγίσεις της τεχνολογίας  στο Υλικός Πολιτισμός : Η ανθρωπολογία στη χώρα των πραγμάτων  επιμ. Ελεάνα Γιαλούρη. Αθήνα : Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια , 2012


Hetherington, Kevin. Secondhandedness: consumption, disposal, and absent presence , Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 2004, volume 22, σ. 157- 173. 


Jackson, Steven J., Rethinking Repair in Media TechnologiesEssays on CommunicationMateriality,     and SocietyTarleton GillespiePablo JBoczkowski,  and Kirsten A. Foot.(MIT Press, 2014).


Jackson, Steven J.,   “Material Care”in Debates in the Digital Humanities (ed.)  Matthew, K. Gold, Lauren F. Klein, University of Minnesota Press, 2019.

Jencks, Charles,  Silver, Nathan. Adhocism: The Case for Improvisation,  London: Secker and Warburg, 1972.


Judd, Donald. Complete writings 1959-1975,  (Halifax, New York: the Press of the Nova Scotia  College of Art and Design University Press, New York University Press, 1975).


Κοτιώνης, Ζήσης. Ο Αναξίμανδρος στη Φουκουσιμα, Αθήνα : Καστανιώτης, 2019.


Lévi-StraussClaude. Αγρια σκέψη, μτφρ. Καλπουρτζή  ΕυαΑθήνα  : Πατάκη , 2019. 


Longley, Michael, Το χταπόδι του Ομήρου και άλλα ποιήματα , εις., μτφρ. ΒλαβιανόςΧάρηςΑθήνα : Πατάκης ,2008.  


Mari, Enzo “Proposta per un'Autoprogettazione” Milano : Galleria Milano, 1974.


Maestri, Leah , Wakkary, Ron. "Understanding repair as a creative process of everyday design." Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition 

: 80-91. 2011


McFadden, Cristopher. If The Universe Is a Simulation, Should You Care? Interesting engineering , May 20, 2019.



Μουτσόπουλος, Θανάσης. Ανακύκλωση-Επανάχρηση-Οικειοποίηση (Iδιοποίηση) Πενήντα χρόνια ελλαδικού Ready Made 1960-2010. Καλαμάτα : Δημοτική πινακοθήκη Καλαμάτας, 2010.

Spelman, E.V.. Repair: The impulse to restore in a fragile world. Beacon Press, 2002 

Solis, Brian. As Digital Darwinism Evolves, Enterprise Organizations Must Learn New Ways To Adapt And Innovate, Forbes Magazine, 2018/12/11


Solis, Brian. Digital Darwinism: How Disruptive Technology Is Changing Business for Good, Wired Magazine, 2014.


What is open Source?


Films/ Lectures 



Welcome To Lagos by Gavin Searle, 2010


Matt Ridley: The Evolution of Everything (2016 WORLD.MINDS Annual Symposium)



Christopher Johnson, Bricolage , 2010