Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Going Postal :A psychoanalytic reading of social media and the death drive

I QUIT TWITTER and Instagram in May, in the same manner I leave parties: abruptly, silently, and much later than would have been healthy. This was several weeks into New York City’s lockdown, and for those of us not employed by institutions deemed essential—hospitals, prisons, meatpacking plants—sociality was now entirely mediated by a handful of tech giants, with no meatspace escape route, and the platforms felt particularly, grimly pathetic. Instagram, cut off from a steady supply of vacations and parties and other covetable experiences, had grown unsettlingly boring, its inhabitants increasingly unkempt and wild-eyed, each one like the sole surviving astronaut from a doomed space-colonization mission, broadcasting deranged missives about yoga and cooking projects into an uncaring void. Twitter, on the other hand, felt more like a doomed space-colonization mission where everyone had survived but we had to decide who to eat. Or like a drunken 3 AM basement fight club, a crowd of edgy brawlers circling each other, cracking their knuckles, waiting for an excuse. Only, it didn’t have any of the danger, or eroticism, or fun you might expect from a fight club.

It seemed obvious that unless you were passing around a GoFundMe link, no good could come from social platforms at that moment. The main purpose of social media is to call attention to yourself, and it was hard to think of a worse time to be doing so. It wasn’t like you were going to get a job thanks to a particularly incisive quote-tweet of President Trump; in the midst of a lockdown, your chances of getting laid based on your Instagram Story thirst traps plummeted. The already paltry rewards of posting disappeared, while the risks skyrocketed. And yet: people kept on going. Founders and executives at companies with “empowerment” brands posted vague bromides about social justice to their Instagram Stories, unwittingly calling attention to systemic racism and sexism at the companies they oversaw. An editor I vaguely know posted his salary and was swiftly accused of acting like a creep to women he’d worked with; a writer at the New York Times took to Twitter in the middle of a fraught meeting to condescendingly castigate her peers, thereby alienating herself from her workplace to the point of resignation. A student at Brown tweeted a long, excoriating list of the scions of wealth and privilege who had matriculated alongside her, and then capped it off by revealing that her mother is the president of ExxonMobil Chemical—like an aristocrat rushing to the front of a crowd of sans-culottes, shouting “don’t forget about me!” 

By Max Read 

The Twittering Machine by Richard Seymour, Brooklyn, NY: Verso


Monday, December 21, 2020

I Get Such Pleasure from them Every Day When I Sit in the Bath

I Get Such Pleasure from them Every Day When I Sit in the Bath, 1991  

#martinparr #pleasure #curtain #bath#athome #edwardian #sundays

The Dream of the Stone

The dream of the stone is long and cold
its gray nature
kept nothing of the splendor of the fire.

How frightened I am by what goes off and remains!

Burning, quiet,
under the night of my senses
I only ask for heat.

How frightened I am by what goes off and remains!


Dolores Castro 

Transl. by Toshiya Kamei

Astral Highway


Astral Highway, 2020

Wood, Acrylic, steel 

212 x 23 x 29 cm 

#astral#highway#sculpture#kostisvelonis#dendrophoriae#pathways #measuring#tree #trunk#network 

Οι ήρωες του 1821 ένα χρόνο πριν το 2021

Ύδρα "199" και Βυρωνικοί Ήρωες - Οι ήρωες του 1821 ένα χρόνο πριν το 2021 // Δείτε στο σημερινό επεισόδιο της εκπομπής // *ώρα προβολής: 21:00.
Στο πρώτο επεισόδιο του νέου κύκλου εκπομπών της “Eποχής των Εικόνων”, κεντρικό θέμα είναι η προσέγγιση ηρώων της επανάστασης του 1821, ένα χρόνο πριν την επέτειο των 200 χρόνων. Η εκπομπή ξεκινάει με την έκθεση του Κωστή Βελώνη από το
Deste Foundation
στα Σφαγεία της Ύδρας με τίτλο "199". Η έκθεση σχολιάζει τον ρόλο 8 ηρώων της Επανάστασης μέσα από τη μεταφορά 8 νεκρικών προσωπείων από το Ιστορικό Μουσείο της Αθήνας στην Ύδρα, παραπέμποντας στην έννοια της θυσίας. Η
Katerina Zacharopoulou
συζητά με τον Κωστή Βελώνη για τα τρία μέρη που απαρτίζουν την εγκατάστασή του, τα προσωπεία, μια συστάδα από κυπαρίσσια και μια γλυπτική εγκατάσταση από πέτρα και μάρμαρο. Ο Γιώργος Τζιρτζιλάκης δίνει τη δική του ερμηνεία για την αρχιτεκτονική της μνήμης και τις νέες αναγνώσεις της ιστορίας, ενώ το επεισόδιο καταλήγει με την εικαστικό Λυδία Βενιέρη που μιλά για τα 700 σχέδιά της και τη σειρά φωτογραφιών που έχουν ως θέμα τους τον Λόρδο Βύρωνα και τους Βυρωνικούς ήρωες.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

There Was No Plot


There were neither plots nor characters,
only places. Neighborhoods sliced
in half. Terraces and corridors
between roofless rooms. Profiles only. 
spaces. Far off a group
was sucked up
into its own restlessness: the after-dinner
conversation, the waiting, shuffle between 
one door and another, shifts
in posture; remarks that from here,
where you hurried to leave, 
were already beyond hearing.


Coral Bracho

Transl. by Forrest Gander

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Αφηγήσεις της ρυπαρότητας : Βρώμικο και λασπώδες

Αφηγήσεις της ρυπαρότητας : Βρώμικο και λασπώδες 



Τέχνη στο συγκείμενο (Art in context 

Αμφισβητήσεις της δεξιότητας στη νεωτερικότητα 

ΑΣΚΤ -Χειμερινό εξάμηνο/ Εαρινό εξάμηνο

Αμφιθέατρο νέας βιβλιοθήκης,  Πειραιώς 256

Κωστής Βελώνης


Βιβλιογραφία, σημειώσεις 

Bibliography  REFWorks Cited / films



Bakhtin, Mikhail. Ο Ραμπελαί και ο κόσμος του. Για τη λαϊκή κουλτούρα του Μεσαίωνα και της Αναγέννησης, μτφρ., Πινακούλας, Γιώργος, Ηράκλειο Κρήτης :  Πανεπιστημιακές  Εκδόσεις Κρήτης , 2017



Bataille, Georges «Le bas materialisme et la Gnose», Documents, no 1, 1930




Bataille, Georges, Ηλιακός πρωκτός, μτφρ. Παπαγιώργης Κωστής, Αθήνα : Νεφέλη, 1980.



Bois, Yve-Alain & Rosalind  Krauss, «Base materialism» in L' Informe. Mode d'Emploi. (Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996).



Cabañas, Kaira M., Ana Mendieta: "Pain of Cuba, Body I Am", Woman's Art Journal , Spring - Summer, 1999, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Spring - Summer, 1999), 12-17 https://www.jstor.org/stable/1358840 


Caballero R.J. reative destruction. In: Durlauf S.N., Blume L.E. (eds) Economic Growth. The New Palgrave Economics Collection. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.  https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230280823_5




Campkin, Ben, Placing “Matter Out of Place”: Purity and Danger as Evidence for Architecture and Urbanism, Architectural Theory Review, 18:1, 46-61, 2013 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13264826.2013.785579



Charlotte, HealyA Radical Disregard for the Preservation of Art: Robert Rauschenbergs Elemental Paintings, Interventions Journal, issue 1, Vol.4  




EagletonTerry. “Καρναβάλι και κωμωδία: Μπένγιαμιν, Μπαχτίν και Μπρέχτ», στο συλλ. τομο Μετά-μαρξιστικά ρεύματα στην αισθητική και στην θεωρία της λογοτεχνίας, επιμ., μτφρ., Τερζάκης Φώτης, Αθήνα : Futura, 2004



Fontana, Lucio,  Ceramica spaziale, 1949 


Galimberti, Jacopo.  The Intellectual and the Fool: Piero Manzoni 
 between the Milanese Art Scene and the Land of Cockaigne, Oxford Art Journal, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2012, 75-93. 




Hamilton, Jaimey. Making Art Matter: Alberto Burri's Sacchi October, Spring, 2008, Vol. 124, Postwar Italian Art (Spring, 2008),  31-52 https://www.jstor.org/stable/40368499  


Krauss, Rosalind. “Informe” without Conclusion. October, Vol. 78, Autumn 1996, 89-105.



Lovecraft, Howard Phillips.

Ο τρόμος του ΝτάνγουιτςμτφρΠανώριος Μάκης,  Αθήνα : Αίολος  1986. 


Ponge, Francis. Ημιτελής ωδή στη λάσπηΗ φωνή των πραγμάτων, μτφρ. Χριστόφορος, Λιοντάκης, Αθήνα : Γαβριηλιδης, 1999.  




Rohrer, Denis. In the land of Cockaigne




Sartre, Jean Paul. Το είναι και το μηδέν, μτφρ. Παπαγιώργης Κωστής, εκδ. Αθήνα : Παπαζήσης, 2008. 



Schor, Mira.  Wet: On Painting, Feminism, and Art Culture, Duke University Press, 1997 



Nancy Spero, ‘Tracing Ana Mendieta’, Artforum, New York, vol.30, no.8, April 1992, pp.75–7




Olli  Lagerspetz , Dirt and refuse in a world of Things  



Manzoni, Piero, Socle du monde (base of the world), 1961 https://kostisvelonis.blogspot.com/2019/12/socle-du-monde.html


White, Anthony,  Lucio Fontana: Between Utopia and Kitsch, Grey Room, No. 5 Autumn, 2001, pp. 54-77 



Films / Performances 


Ana Mendieta au Jeu de Paume Concorde - Paris



Laura E.Perez, Ana Mendieta: Decolonialized Feminist and Artist



La cuccagna, released as A Girl... and a Million, directed by Luciano Salce, 1962 



Corpi d'Aria di Piero Manzoni, 1959. https://kostisvelonis.blogspot.com/2019/12/httpsyoutu.html



Stefano Amoretti, An Introduction to Lucio Fontana, 2018



Ghostbusters Movie CLIP - He Slimed Me (1984)



The Green Slime (1968) trailer



Slime People, The 1963 Trailer




Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Temporary Radio Station 

8- 12 December 2020
everyday 11.00-21.00

Tune in at: 

3 137 presents its 2020-2021 program: F.A.R. (Floor Area Ratio). 

F.A.R. is an atlas of the city of Athens mapping the evolving economy, the housing market and the various communities living in the city. It's a storytelling action around the present and future of the city and unfolds in three successive independent episodes: A community radio along with an intervention in the outdoor area of 3 137, a series of actions and performances in public spaces of Athens, and finally a group exhibition next fall. 

F.A.R. explores the ways in which Athens is inhabited. It stems from the need to understand the different types of transformations that have been taking place in Athens in the past recent years. Despite the economic recession of the last decade and the political instability in the wider Mediterranean region, the city has become a place to be. At the same time, over the last five years, we have seen the local art scene changing; the number of art spaces is growing and venues and initiatives of varying scale are developing.

On December 8th, the program begins with F.A.R. RADIO, a temporary web radio station, broadcasting via our website (www.3137.gr). At the same time, four interventions by Can Altay, Zoe Giambouldaki, Diohandi and Kostis Velonis will be installed outside 3 137, accessible 24/7. The interventions aim to comment on the use and design of public space and reflect on stories of cultural heritage and language. 

Invited guests of F.A.R. RADIO are several art initiatives of the city, individuals with a research interest in housing and collective/individual property, as well as employees or owners of small businesses in ​​Exarcheia neighborhood. The guests will develop a 50-minute show—featuring sounds, music and discussion—about their activity, their daily habits, and the city networks within which they engage. 

Our aim is to examine how Athens is changing, focusing on the artistic community and its relations with the development of the city and the economy. If artists, consciously or not, are the first ones to occupy and get familiar with run-down locations and neighborhoods then it is intriguing to observe why they choose this city as their place of residence, how they conceive it and how they feel and think about it. The shows will be available online after the end of the project, functioning as an archive of the current time period.


RADIO shows by: 

Α-Dash Space, Aetopoulos Athens, Daphne Aidoni, Antonakis, Nikolas Arnis, Athens Zine Bibliotheque, Bayard, Ilektra Barouni, Gordon Beeferman, Callirrhoë, Elena Demetria Chantzis, Klea Charitou, Maria Chatzopoulou, Co-Hab Athens, Communitism, Ilaria Conti, DELIVERART project, Dolce Publishing, Vasilis Dimitrakas, Dora Economou, Eftihis Efthimiou, Enterprise Projects, Florent Frizet, Afroditi Gogoglou, Stavia Grimani, Haus N, Hydroexpress Project, Laure Jaffuel, Daphne Kalliga, Eleni Kamma, KEIV, Kelly Tsipni-Kolaza, Leefwerk, LULU, Michalis Markatselis, Giorgos Mitsios, ΝΟΤUS studio, Ntizeza, Malvina Panagiotidi, Eleanna Papathanasiadi, Maro Paraskevoudi, Michalis Pavlidis, Perianth Hotel, P.E.T Projects, Phenomenon, Phoenix Athens, Caroline Pradal, Eleni Riga, Kleanthis Rousos, Sofia Sabani, Snehta Residency, Panagiotis Sotiris, Evi Sougkara, Hristiana Stamou, Kostas Stasinopoulos, State of Concept Athens, Mina Stone, Alexander Strecker, Sub Rosa Space, Marina Miliou-Theocharaki, THE EIGHT, Katerina Tselou, Tsev, Typical Organization, Eva Vaslamatzi, Daphne Vitali, Eva Vlassopoulos, Weekend, Yellow Brick, Vasilis Zarifopoulos, Zoetrope and more t.b.a.


Interventions outside 3 137 by:

Can Altay, Diohandi, Zoe Giabouldaki, Kostis Velonis

F.A.R., Floor Area Ratio is realized with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports (2020), Outset Contemporary Art Fund Greece and Mécène / Mycanae (members of 3 137).



Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Belinda with Rosita


Alessandra Sanguinetti, Belinda with Rosita, 1998

L’amour et l’(a)mur: το εμπόδιο και ο “ερωτότοιχος”

Lamour et l(a)mur: το εμπόδιο και ο “ερωτότοιχος” 


Ειδική βιβλιογραφία, σημειώσεις

Referencesworks citednotes



Τέχνη στο συγκείμενο (Art in context 

Αμφισβητήσεις της δεξιότητας στη νεωτερικότητα 

ΑΣΚΤ -Χειμερινό εξάμηνο/ Εαρινό εξάμηνο

Αμφιθέατρο νέας βιβλιοθήκης,  Πειραιώς 256

Κωστής Βελώνης



Apter, Emily, Fetishism in Theory: Marx, Freud, Baudrillard” στο Feminizing the Fetish, Psychoanalysis and Narrative Obsession in Turn-of-the Century France,  Book Cornell University Press , 1991


Βελώνης, Κωστής «Η Αντανάκλαση ως ιδεολογική κατασκευή της εκμηδένισης της ύλης και η επίδρασή της στον κινηματογράφο»,   Αρχιτέκτονες, Αύγ., τεύχος 64, 2007 


Βελώνης, Κωστής, Η αμφισβήτηση του τελάρου και η θέση του «ερωτότοιχου» στη μεταπολεμική αφαίρεση, Αυγή της Κυριακής, 17/06 /2018


B μερος, 24 /06/2018



Bois, Yve-Alain, Buchloh, Benjamin, Foster, Hal,  Krauss,  Rosalind. Η τέχνη από το 1900, προλ.,επιμ., Παπανικολάου , Μιλτιάδης, Αθήνα :  Επίκεντρο, 2007, σσ., 368-372. 



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Lewino Frédéric, Dos Santos, Gwendoline 16 mars 1955. Le jour où Nicolas de Staël se suicide par amourLe Point , 16 mars 2014, 




Lacan, Jacques. Ακόμη (EncoreμτφρΣκολίδης Βλάσσης  Αθήνα : Ψυχογιός, 2013.


MaugerGerard «Οδοφράγματα» στο Ο αιώνας των ανατροπών. Το λεξικό των κινημάτων αμφισβήτησης στον 20ό αιώνα, επιμ. Emmanuel de Waresquiel , εκδόσεις Οξύ, Αθηνα, 2004 σσ.418-419 .

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Πατρίκιος, Τίτος, Εμπόδια 


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Phillips, Adam, Για το φίλημα, το γαργάλημα και την πλήξη, Ψυχαναλυτικά δοκίμια για τον ανεξέταστο βίο, μτφρ. Λαμπράκος, Γιώργος, Αθήνα : Οκτώ, 2012 .


Ricoeur, Jean-Paul. “Lacan, l’amour”, Psychanalyse 2007 /3 (no 10) 5-32


Rousseau,  Jean-Jacques.  Εξομολογήσεις, μτφρ. Αλεξάνδρα Παπαθανασοπούλου, Αθήνα: Ιδεόγραμμα, 1997

Porret, Philippe. “Un mur de lumière”,  Le Coq-héron 2004/3 (no 178), 139 -148.


SolerColette. Η κατάρα του φύλου, επιμ., Πατσογιάννης Βασίλειος, μτφρ., Κουκουλάκη Καλλιόπη,  Αθήνα :  Πλεθρον , 2015. 


Tudal, Antoine,  Εμπόδια [Obstacles] https://champlacanienathenes.net/dimosiefseis/metafraseis/empodia-obstacles-antoine-tudal/

Tudal, Antoine, Paris en l'an 2000


TapiéMichelArt autre,  Paris : Gabriel-Giraud et fils1952.