Bibelots, Venice 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
common man
blue jays are starry
bullets of morning-glory
little weights keep pace
hunker down in vectors
blue forest room
latched brain-tree
hope of clear eyeballing
boundless country sprawl
heavy sky patchwork
look landmarks of misdirection!
look crowd of prophets
lighting the fence
Weiser, 2005.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
House of the Suicide
Hejduk. House of the Suicide, from the Lancaster/Hanover Masque.
1980-1982. Coloured wash with glaze and white and red pencil, 20.3 x
22.8 cm. CCA Collection
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Indifferent Matter: From Object to Sculpture
Matter: From Object to Sculpture
pairs four key twentieth-century sculptures by Felix Gonzalez-Torres
(1957-96), Hans Haacke (b. 1936), Andy Warhol (1928-87) and Robert
Smithson (1938-73) with a series of ancient objects including
Neolithic jades, a yet to be named mineral, fragments of Roman
sculpture and a collection of eoliths. Each pairing explores how
objects resist the origins, names and histories humans accord to
them. Each of these American artists made radical shifts in the
understanding of what sculpture might be, using acts of naming and
rethinking ways of displaying artworks. The ancient objects, all held
in museum collections, challenge boundaries of classification, their
histories and meanings ambiguous and unknown.
'Asphalt Lump'
Matter: From Object to Sculpture
explores how matter can be both indifferent and contingent on
encounter, exploring the malleability of meaning and the ways in
which objects are accorded cultural and historical value
Moore Institute, Leeds
July -20th October 2013
The Rag Picker's Hut
Atget, Villa d'un Chiffonier ( The Rag Picker's Hut ) from the
portfolio "Eugène Atget Portfolio, Twenty Photographic Prints
from his Original Glass Plate Negatives" 1910 (published 1956).
Labour and Wait
exhibition features the work of artists who bring 21st-century
urgency to 19th-century principles of virtue through work and
craftsmanship. Inspired in part by developments that stem back as far
as the Industrial Revolution, the presentation examines contemporary
culture’s obsession with authenticity, the hand-crafted, and the
politics of manufacturing and labor. Works in the exhibition date
from the late 1980s to the present, a period in which artists turned
from industrial fabrication and a seamless aesthetic to hand-made or
"do-it-yourself" sensibilities.
and Wait
is organized by Julie Joyce, Curator of Contemporary Art, and
features artists/artist collaboratives from Europe, South America,
and the United States, many which are under-represented in museums on
the West Coast. Artists include Tonico Lemos Auad, Andrea Bowers,
Colin Darke, Wim Delvoye, Theaster Gates, Dewar and Gicquel, Fischli
and Weiss, Tim Hawkinson, Josiah McElheny, Grayson Perry, Mika
Rottenberg, Mika Rottenberg and Jon Kessler, Allison Smith, Ricky
Swallow, David Thorpe, and Jane Wilbraham.
Barbara Museum of Art
2 – September 22, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
House for "Woman's Home Companion"
for "Woman's Home Companion"
(1948, mixed media), by architect A. James Speyer and model maker
Theodore Conrad.